torsdag 26. februar 2015


There are certain things us people cannot possibly understand. However, we keep trying. We want to understand, we crave it as we crave food. The human mind is significant in that way. Some aspects of life we just cannot seem to leave untouched and unspoken for. People express themselves in different ways. Some like to use words, others use noticeable facial expressions, some like to use body language. From time to time, it also occurs that some people cannot or perhaps will not allow their expressions to show. That is when you have to dig deeper. To understand a person without them showing or telling can be a complicated matter. We have so many useful resources available; why not use them?

A huge resource as well as a helping tool in today’s society is the widespread technology, social media and internet. The social media for instance. There are plenty of disgraceful things to say about it, but it in some odd way it has somehow become a part of an everyday circle of life. I think there is truly something extraordinary to be able to chat with a person on Facebook, while this person is located in a completely different continent, country and time zone. Then there’s Instagram, where you can follow your celebrity idol, or your friends, and even share your own taken photographs. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and so on are communities. These are worldwide communities, and you can be a part of them.

A few weeks ago, we watched a movie in our class called Disconnect. The movie really touched me with its different stories. The individuals in this movie had to face facts about how the internet affects people in various ways and that sometimes it gets out of hand. The internet is a powerful source and if you mess with it in the wrong way, it could end badly. And for some of these people, unfortunately it did.  

This was mostly because they didn’t understand each other, and therefor reached out to others online struggling with the same issues as they were. They felt compatible to that person because that person understood. But the internet is a dangerous place for naïve people. They are fooled and played as easy as a mouse is lured into a mice trap.  One has to be careful as for who one choose to trust.

When it comes to the understanding-part, I am torn. Everyone wants to be understood and accepted, but at the same time understand other human beings. It’s natural, it’s the way of life. However, why use the internet in the process. Can’t we just talk and communicate in real life. We wouldn’t have to be misled and hurt on the internet. People are the nicest when you can see their eyes and faces, and their not hiding behind a computer screen like a coward. If they saw the damages they impose on others, they would understand too.  

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” 

― Albert Einstein

søndag 1. februar 2015

DISCONNECT - film reveiw

The film is about how soscial media and the internet affects people on a daily basis, and a group of people searching for connections in todays technological world. Both cyberbullying and identity theft are central themes in this film. 

The issues that are presented in this film are very relevant in todays society. Most of us are online 24/7 with different technological devices, and bad things happen to innocent and perhaps naive people. The film is eye-opening regarding that subject. The film shows pretty clearly that you have to take precaution and be on the alert at all times. There are familiar elements in this film, but luckily, none has affected me.

Quite frankly, I loved the film! It presents relevant topics sorrounding the use of the internet in our modern day society's. I think that we need to understand the dangers and consequences concerning the internet, and this film shows us different aspectes of life when things have gotten out of control online. 

The movie was thrilling and exciting, but at the same time quite sad. Some of the stories were touching and emotional because of their content. At the end, when the entire plot of the film was coming to an end, the whole thing got a bit overwhelming to me. Fortunately most of the people involved got closure and managed to find peace although the circumstances were unrighteous. However, the part that made the biggest impression on me, was the part when the insecure and cyberbullied boy (Ben Boyd) attempts to commit suicide after beeing tormented by two boys on the internet (Facebook). I had to swallow my tears because the boy was so innocent and he got taken advantage of by the boys who prented to be this understanding girl. She/they sent him a picture of her body and asked him to send one back. He lost his mind for a couple of minutes and sent a personal picture that started circulating. Everyone thought he was weird and when he started talking to this girl, he felt like somebody understood him. It was so horrible that the boys took advantage of his weakness and turned it against him. All he ever wanted was to be understood by someone. Just the idea of this breaks my heart.

"Everything you do, someone out there can see"