mandag 9. mars 2015

The Imitation Game

Task 1.

Alan Turing

Alan Turing is often called the father of modern computing. He was a brilliant mathematician and logician. He developed the idea of the modern computer and artificial intelligence. During the Second World War, he worked for the government breaking the enemies’ codes and Churchill said he shortened the war by two years.

Turing was a brilliant with his own methods. He had difficulties with communicating with other people because of his lack of social skills. People would often judge him because of his kind of weird personality and manners. Alan was not capable of thinking that other methods than his, could work out. He preferred to be alone with his work and hated it when other messed with his business, which is highly understandable. In the movie, Alan had problems with telling jokes and understanding the concept of humor. However, he tried to tell a joke once or twice. It was sort of sweet and you felt somewhat sorry for him because he struggled quite a lot. 

I think his strength was that he believed in his own work. He believed that the machine would work (and it did), and therefor he went through hell to make sure that it was built and used. He did not care that no one believed in his machine, because he did and what a thrill it was when he proved everyone wrong.

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